The Wing

Today’s #metconyantra / #crossfitaltar is six barbells nested with kettle bells and @roguefitness plates at the base and the apex. The vertical lines reminded me of the bones of birds wing. That realization made the pvc wing come into being by echoing the first. The word “petition” comes from the Greek word “pteron” which means feather or wing. “Pteron” comes from the Sanskrit word “patram” which means “purifier, often by water”. The act of asking or petitioning is an elemental surrender. There is the wing that takes us there and the wing that humbles us. And so it is with our workouts. We ask a lot of them…and they take us up and they also burden us. And in so doing, in the act of sincerely petitioning they purify us. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit
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Doubling The Seeded Still Point

Today’s #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra at @crossfitvirtuosity is a simple affair that explores doubling. Two bars, four sides, eight @roguefitness plates. The multiplicity expands out from the still origin. Our simple practices are the foundations that our complex ones stand upon like ancestors or seeds. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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The Humaned Machine

Today’s #metconyantra / #crossfitaltar at @crossfitvirtuosity was a reflection of the WOD of five rounds of descending calorie rows and double unders. Five ropes, five rounds. One rowing machine. All the years I have pulled hard on that handle I had never witnessed that there has always been five apertures there. That whole time the handle has been the very fingers with which I grasp. It took #devotional #art to appreciate the natural beauty embedded in the machine in front of my eyes at every stroke. Perhaps look for natural beauty in that which we consider not human. Making #meditation pieces from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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Today’s #crossfitaltar /#metconyantra from @meditationwod is devoted to the famed WOD named “Christine”. 3 rounds: 500m row, 12 body weight deadlifts (190), 21 box jumps. Making #beautiful #devotional #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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Invisible Base Pyramid

Today’s #metconyantra /#crossfitaltar at @crossfitvirtuosity is just a simple pyramid of @roguefitness plates. Nine on the outer and three in the inner. The platform and the support at the base vanish to the eye and yet they are integral to the symmetry and beauty and ascension. That platform may well be your technique or your teachers or the very ground you walk on. In vanishing it is ever more present. Making #devotional #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit .

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Dumbbell Pagoda

Today’s #crossfitaltar / #metconyantra from @meditationwod at @crossfitvirtuosity is honoring the WOD of that day… 10 rounds of ascending Turkish get ups with the bells and four rounds of overhead lunges and slam balls. The dumb bells go from 100 to 10 bs are framed by the four @roguefitness 45lb plates standing for the rounds and the tool for the overhead lunges. The slam ball is like the eastern gate to the pagoda. Making #devotional #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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Tiered Pyramid

Today’s #metconyantra/#crossfitaltar at @crossfitvirtuosity is somewhere between a petaled flower and a tiered pyramid or temple. Using @roguefitness plates and 2.5 lb plates under the second tier to create the slope today is a simple expression of tightening a pattern and giving it stability. Making beautiful #devotional #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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After an extended illness the #metconyantra /#crossfitaltar at @crossfitvirtuosity by @meditationwod start again! Weakened as I am, just being upright inspired the #devotional #art today. 180lbs at the base with dumb bells ascending in height but descending in weight (60,50,40) holding up pairs of @roguefitness plates. 100 lbs at the top capped by three @yogatuneup balls (cut off. Thanks Instagram). The whole piece is framed by pvc pipes. Making beautiful devotional art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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Supported Boxes

Today’s #metconyantra / #crossfitaltar at @crossfitvirtuosity is in honor of our programmed #WOD – 100 double unders 21-15-9 ring dips, box jumps, toes to bar, 100 double unders. The two ropes are for the two rounds of double unders, the three boxes for the rounds, the pvc for the toes-to-bar, and the rings for the dips. Under pinning all of it are the iron kettle bells calling in the strength of the earth where we draw our support and strength from. May it always be so. Making beautiful #devotional #art from the tools we devote ourselves to in #crossfit. Special appearance by my old friend @joeyswid in the background

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Offset Balance

Today’s #metconyantra /#crossfitaltar from @meditationwod comes to from @physicscrossfit in Ottawa. Our coach was the enthusiastic @isa_beast. The name of the gym inspired today’s piece of #devotional #art. The romanticized notion of balance often misses the dynamic swirl of tension involved. Oh, the falls on this one until it found tension to hold still long enough. Making beauty with tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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