Courteous Bedecking

Today’s #metconyantra /#crossfitaltar from @meditationwod comes to you from @crossfitbytown in Ottawa, where Everett coached me well and enthusiastically. During the #WOD (3 rounds: 50 squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 power cleans @ 135) Everett reminded me to dismount the rings gracefully so they wouldn’t swing when I needed to remount them. He was offering me a path to be courteous to myself. To give myself the gift of just one more moment of attention to smooth the path for myself later. What a gift of a reminder. So today I offer some courtesy to the 135 lb bar by setting a pair of kettle bells on the blessed bar and bedecking it with dumbbells and an Atlas stone. Making #devotional #art from the tools of #crossfit. Also, @coachpanda, everybody knows you everywhere

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