
William Blake said, rightly, that eternity can be seen in a grain of sand. Think of what you can find in a barbell or a burpee.

MeditationWOD is an investigation of how Crossfit WODs can be approached and used as a tool for self discovery, self-inquiry, and meditation.

My name is Matthew Stillman. I was first initiated into mantra based meditation at the age of 6. After years of messing around with it, I started meditating regularly, twice a day for 30 minutes each time, at age 19 and have been practicing sitting meditation for more than twenty years at this point. While sitting, mantra based meditation is my “home base”, I have practiced and investigated many other approaches towards meditation over the years. I started doing Crossfit in the summer of 2008 in New York City and found quickly that it was a meditative space as well as a fitness space.

If you would like to enquire about the intersection of meditation and Crossfit please find me at stillmansays dot com and contact me there.

One Thought on “About

  1. Would like to learn more about what you do

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