Today’s #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra comes from @rosecity_barbell where I was graciously received in their gorgeous new gym. The blooming rosette of @roguefitness plates act as an anchor and foundation for the medicine ball. In sitting in front of this rose I said prayers of gratitude the weighty roots of my seemingly independent achievements. Prayers and respect to @coachpanda and @samanthaorme and all who blossomed from them. This gym would not exist if it were not for your efforts. May your time at the barbell remind you of the fine and old rooted ones who make your standing possible. #crossfit #meditation #art

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Today’s #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra comes from @rosecity_barbell where I was graciously received in their gorgeous new gym. The blooming rosette of @roguefitness plates act as an anchor and foundation for the medicine ball. In sitting in front of this rose I said prayers of gratitude the weighty roots of my seemingly independent achievements. Prayers and respect to @coachpanda and @samanthaorme and all who blossomed from them. This gym would not exist if it were not for your efforts. May your time at the barbell remind you of the fine and old rooted ones who make your standing possible. #crossfit #meditation #art

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Today’s gentle return to a #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra is at Portland’s @blackrosecrossfit . They proclaim their space is devoted to strength training for “freaks, geeks, punx, rockers, and weirdos”. And isn’t this our work? To bring some strength to that which is weak and to bring some sensitive pathos to that which is strong. May your fight for strength be tempered by your receptivity. #crossfit #art #meditation

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The Tangle of 20s

Today’s ##crossfitaltar or #metconyantra at @crossfitvirtuosity was inspired by the 20 minute #AMRAP, 20 toes to bar, 20 box jumps, 20 double unders. Taking 20 ropes and binding them to the bar and leaving them in a tangle on the other end is a reminder that disordered mystery lives in the other end of where we organize. May your #WOD today be ordered and also wild. #crossfit #art #meditation

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The Volume of the Heavy Barbell

Today’s #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra at @crossfitvirtuosity emerges from the heavy beauty of endless barbell work. When we see what is before us as daunting and insurmountable and we proceed anyway. Not to finish but to take on the worthy struggle of being with it. That willingness to contend with the uncontendable is #meditation in action. #crossfit #art

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Difference Across

Today’s #crossfitaltar or #metconyantra at @crossfitvirtuosity uses @roguefitness plates in triangles and bound with heavy bands and then arrayed in triangles and framed with kettle bells and highlighted with PVC pipes. May we be bound gently to those who are like us and be easily across from those who are not. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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nine above, nine below

Today’s #crossfitaltar /#metconyantra at @crossfitvirtuosity uses @roguefitness plates to bow down to the number nine in reflection. In the Indian tradition nine is the number of manifestation and depending on which way you count, nine is where all the numbers (and what they stand for) either resolve into or arise from. As above, so below. May our workouts have a divine reflection that we can bear to witness. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

The Rose City

Today’s #crossfitaltar /#metconyantra comes to you from @crossfitportland as I make my way up to rural Canada. In the Rose City I decided to make a closing bud with the barbells like thorns. The rose has been a devotional aid from pre-biblical times. It’s beauty and scent are literally iconic. May the scent of your sweat honor the budded rose of your efforts- ever opening. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit

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Christine Again

Today’s #metconyantra /#crossfitaltar is dedicated to the WOD Christine; 3 rounds , 500m row, 12 body weight deadlifts (195 lbs), 21 box jumps. Crossfit is often seen as hyper masculine but at its core I would say it’s devotion to “The Girls”, the feminine named central workouts may point us towards falling on our knees at the feet of the divine feminine. In this case the female form of Christ but anointed with sweat instead of oil. Each bead of sweat a prayer of dedication. Making #devotional #meditation #art with the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit. Special appearance by @pdels

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The Heavy Enneagram

Today’s #metconyantra/#crossfitaltar is inspired by yesterday’s @morningaltars. This is an exploration of the nine-pointed enneagram. There is an order to the wheel and a vesica piscis in the center pentagon but chaos that frames the whole thing. May our exploration of movement and strength have the ordered and the wild. May it be Apollonian and Dionysian. Making #devotional #meditation #art from the tools we are devoted to in #crossfit
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